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Thursday 28 January 2010

This would probably be an ideal outfit....i so fucking wished they made those wedges in grey scale. The top could DIY project......however knowing me and my lack of patience it probably wouldnt happen.
I actually dont understand my inability to wait and how I can get real nasty about it.
I guess thats why i love to keep a busy schedule, that way nothing hangs about waiting.
Someone commented about what happened to my edelman's boots. I waited forever and probably sent a dozen emails but they never turned up, so i gave up and lost 10 dollars.



gray scale, i agree!

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

Rock Couture said...

Agree! F**cking Amazing!

tayla said...

that top is going to be in topshops new collection, comming in march :) x